Ma integration is a mathematical process which uses the integral formula to calculate areas of objects in varying dimensions. The formula is often used in physics and engineering to calculate center of gravity and mass moment of inertia and the kinetic energy of moving objects. It can also be used to determine the speed of an item and its course.
To ensure the integration of workstreams you require a committed and visible leader and clear communication procedures. The most frequent cause for failing to integrate is clashing cultures, such as the acute care mindset versus health care that is based on a population-based perspective (Hardy et al. 1999; Coburn, 2001). Integration success requires leaders to encourage and promote a shared vision across the whole organization, while also creating an environment that is supportive of it.
Loss of key talent is among the most significant risks of integration. The time lag between new organizational structures and leadership as well as the inability to tackle cultural issues lead to talented executives leaving to pursue other opportunities. This loss can be averted by making sure that the leadership team stays in place throughout the transition and by creating a system to identify high-performing employees which is based on talents rather than the rank of their position.
Internal newsletters, project-management tools, and interactive platforms can all be used to share the progress of integration milestones while allowing stakeholders the opportunity to give feedback. Meetings with stakeholders are an excellent way to communicate, maintain momentum, and build trust and commitment. Regular updates keep employees engaged in the process, while explaining how the integration has improved business results and created value for shareholders.